Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Overemphasising Politics In Islam

In the name of Allah, the Ever Merciful, the Especially Merciful

i am not against politics. However i disagree with looking at Islam through a political lens. Whilst politics does have its role to play in Islam, it has no intrinsic value; as anything else, its value lies only in serving the interest of Taqwa: God consciousness i.e. assisting human beings to ascend to the heights of perfection in realising the presence of Allah and by thus doing fulfilling the purpose of our existence.

i've become very disheartened recently by some of those who are supposedly the pioneers of advocating Islam in its 'complete', politics-included form. Dismayed by the lack of Akhlaq and spirituality in their lives which is evident from the lack of moral conduct when debating and 'defending the truth'. When we have not brought justice into our own being, how do we think of bringing it to the world around us?

As Mawlana once said, 'Yesterday i was clever: i wanted to change the world. Today i am wise: i want to change myself'

Allah has mentioned in the Qur'an that whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved all humanity. Nowhere does it say that this one life can not be your own. Save yourself and you will save all humanity. i am becoming more and more of a believer in the idea that there is a great spiritual link between the world within one's being and the outward world. A pious person once said to me that the human heart is greater and vaster than all that you see in the world around you, from the endless skies full of stars to the deepest oceans filled with wonders...

'Soon shall we show them our signs, on the horizons and in their own souls...'

The whole point of an Islamic government is to provide ideal conditions for human beings to flourish, as fertile soil is the ideal place for seeds to evolve into beautiful flowers. The holy prophet (s) said that he was sent by God to perfect the Akhlaq. Perfecting our Akhlaq is much easier in a society where everything reminds you of Allah and your purpose, as opposed to a society where everything distracts you from righteousness and morality. Thus it is sad that many brothers and sisters who seem to be the greatest advocates of Islamic government & politics have forgotten the whole purpose of these. Its not politics for the sake of politics. Its politics for the sake of Allah.

At the end of the day, even if we want to change people - which shouldn't be our aim - then we should remember that it is not your words that changes people; it is your character. One who loves Allah, He makes people love His lover. When people love you, they yearn to be similar to you. Imam Al-Sadiq (a) said to invite to goodness without using our tongues.

May Allah forgive me for my mistakes, and uncover the light of your hearts to shine onto the rest of creation.

Lessons In Love

In the name of Allah, the Ever Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Something i remember, even though years have passed. On a train journey, a pious brother with a face illuminated with the light of piety, when he said that line that has since then been embedded in my unconscious mind, and resurfaces from time to time.

'This world is like a school and Allah is the teacher'

i think back to the past year of my life, and this line once more resurfaces from the depths of my conscience. Through the experiences of last year, it is as if He has been training me in the school of piety, teaching me that i may enter into the next class. Through the duration of the past year, there has been one lesson that seems to dominate the landscape. It is a lesson in loving, trust and friendship... something that had begun to mean a lot to me last year.

It is as if through the betrayal of trust on the part of those who i considered friends, through the aching of the heart when deserted by those i attempted to please, and abandonment by those towards whom i showed love and affection... He was teaching me to place my trust in Him alone. It was Him Who, whenever i sought out an idol, broke it... and through the aching of the heart, directed me once more toward the Only Beloved, His Own Exulted Essence.

Praise be to Allah Who sought my friendship whilst being needless of me. And praise be to Allah Who forgives what He knows of my wrongdoings, whilst others punish me for what they speculate about me. Praise be to Allah, in Whom i hope and i do not hope in other than Him, and had i hoped in other than Him, they would have disappointed me. Praise be to Allah in Whom i trust and i do not trust in other than Him, and had i trusted in other than Him, they would have betrayed my trust.

'The heart is the shrine of Allah, so do not place other than Allah in the shrine of Allah'
-The leader Ja'far ibn Muhammad Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him)